Thursday, July 21, 2016

Meet Jordan Tafari, Education Policy Coordinator

Jordan Tafari is a junior, sociology major, education studies minor from Cincinnati, Ohio here at Morehouse.

As a Bonner, Jordan has had the opportunity to serve at the Atlanta Community Food Bank and have involvement with some of Bonners most renowned service initiatives, serving as the Education Coordinator for Sandwich Run A.U.C., to say the least.

This past summer of 2015, between his freshman and sophomore year, Jordan had the honor of interning with District of Columbia Public Schools’ Central Office. Here, he assisted in their Urban Education Leadership Internship Program, working on a project to improve the school system’s special education summer program. With the intensive work that he completed over the summer, his project was able to affect thousands of the district’s students who were in need of assistive technology- tools in which are used to help students with special needs communicate in class.

 This summer, he has had the opportunity to intern with our federal government at the United States Department of Education, where he is working on youth engagement support for kids throughout the country who face different socioeconomic disadvantages.

Question: Every man and woman who is born into this world is born with a purpose. How will you use your purpose to give back to your community and be a service to others? If you do not know your purpose yet, how will you continue to serve your community within a specific issue that you strongly are passionate about?