During his time at Morehouse College, he has served in many capacities: As a Bonner, he served as Hunger/Homeless Coordinator, Junior Bonner Intern and now Senior Bonner with his close brother, Keith Glass. As a student politician, Greg has been community service chair for freshman, sophomore and junior class council for the last three years and will fill the capacity as Secretary of Civic Engagement for Morehouse Student Government Association (SGA) in the fall. Greg also served as Director of #SandwichRunAUC, the largest community-service initiative for the spring semester.
Besides his foundational interest in community service, Greg is also a rising scholar in the field of psychology. During the summer between his sophomore and junior year, Greg through the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program did research in healthy sexual communication among African-American men as well as the correlation between parental incarceration and deviant peer networks. During the fall semester of his junior year, Greg studied abroad in the African countries of Rwanda/Uganda where he completed research looking at positive coping strategies in genocide orphans. Now as a rising senior, Greg is currently at the University of Wisconsin at Madison doing research on the socialization of death and it's role in coping and bereavement.
Greg remembers a quote by his mother, "If your dreams do not scare you, then obviously your dreams are not big enough!'. Greg plans to make the 2016-2017 academic year, a year of resurgence for the Bonner Office of Community Service.
Greg poses this question to his younger brothers: Think of an issue of community interest (it can be any of your choosing but for exammple hunger/homelessness, achievement gaps in education, inadequate health care for those with lower socio-economic status). If you were given a small loan of $1,000, how would use the money to solve the issue of your choice